Welcome to python-camellia’s documentation!

This is the documentation of python-camellia, a cryptographic library implementing the Camellia cipher in python.

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>>> import camellia
>>> plain = b"This is a text. "
>>> c1 = camellia.CamelliaCipher(key=b'16 byte long key', IV=b'16 byte iv. abcd', mode=camellia.MODE_CBC)
>>> encrypted = c1.encrypt(plain)
>>> c2 = camellia.CamelliaCipher(key=b'16 byte long key', IV=b'16 byte iv. abcd', mode=camellia.MODE_CBC)
>>> c2.decrypt(encrypted)
b'This is a text. '

Because it’s build direct on top of the reference implementation, the python-camellia library provides direct access to extreme low-level functions like Camellia-Ekeygen but also provides a nearly PEP-272-compliant cryptographic interface. This semi low-level interface supports encryption (and decryption) in ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR modes of operation.

See the installation instructions for details regarding installation.

This software contains encryption algorithms, thus it may be restricted by law in some countries.